Martino Banchio headshot

Hello! My name is Martino, and I am a Research Scientist at Google Research in Mountain View, California.

My work lies at the intersection of microeconomic theory, market and mechanism design, and computer science.

You can contact me at: martino ‘dot’ banchio ‘at’

Here you can find my CV

Working Papers

New! Search and Rediscovery (with S. Malladi)

New! Auctions with Dynamic Scoring (with A. Mehta and A. Perlroth)

Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Collusion (with G. Mantegazza)

Artificial Intelligence and Auction Design (with A. Skrzypacz)

Dynamic Pricing with Limited Commitment (with F. Yang)

Targeting in Tournaments with Dynamic Incentives (with E. Munro)

Other Publications

Market Design for AI Algorithms (with A. Skrzypacz)